Susan drove in and arrived in town before I was even awake. This woman is amazing. I'll tell you, she blows me away. Get her some coffee and breakfast and she can go all day... occasionally all night too! What a great mother-in-law she is to me. I could not be more blessed by my in-laws!
So we got started early. Ran a few errands in the morning, picked up some paint from my new favorite local paint supply store, Spectrum. They are so friendly and helpful, I would highly recommend them to anyone starting on a painting project. You will not be disappointed, but be aware: they close at noon on Saturday. Don't let their "contractor's" hours, stop you from getting work done. I made that mistake and it is so frustrating!
My mom went right to work, she was in the kitchen hard at work, finishing those places we had missed the day before. I love her for this, I cannot seem to stay focused, but she always does. What a huge help, I was so tired of that kitchen. Thanks Mom!!
My dad was hard at work on the cabinet faces and drawers. I think he started the day with like 12 to finish and by the end of the night, he had finished them all!
David was gone for the first part of the day, working, his "real" job. But when he arrived, he had his work cut out for him! There were plenty of cabinets ready to be hung. And as you have figured out by now that always comes with plenty of detours and hang ups!
Then he and my dad finished off the end cabinet. This cabinet has been a concern since the project begun. When we ripped out the cabinets above the bar, it left a "problem" cabinet. But David did a fantastic job fixing this cabinet and making it look "normal" again. Compare to the ugly duckling story - happy ending! I am not even sure how it all came together, but by the end of Saturday we had one great looking cabinet. And I am pretty sure he impressed the genius again. [This does not happen frequently.] Now I just need to find cute little baskets to fit on these shelves! Suggestions?
My mom and I spent most of the day in the closets, painting, cutting in and touching up. It was definitely not a "high priority" job, but important to me. In fact, I have been told by many people that the closets were "not a big deal," "don't worry about them," "don't spend too much time on them," "do them later on, after you move in" etc. But they were a big deal to me. I wanted to move in all of our stuff to a clean and freshly painted house. And my mom seemed to be the only one who COMPLETELY understood that and even AGREED with me. (That didn't happen all the time either, people agreeing with my decisions, that is.) But it was awesome to have so much help with those; her and I and Susan tackled those closets and finished them. Actually they did most of the work on those closets. I had to meet a bride for a wedding consultation and when I came back, I could not believe how little there was left to do.
Oh yes and one thing that I have failed to mention throughout this entire "house story", is the amazingness of my mom. Umm... everytime she came up to help, she brought tons of food. I mean not just food, but she brought dinners, lunches. At home she would spend her "free time" making food for the weekend. She would prepare it, freeze it, pack it and then bring it down, so that we would not have to leave the house in the middle of the day to get food. There it was, hot out of the oven and ready for us to eat. Burritos, hot dogs with chili, you name it. oh and cookies... yes please. She is the best mom EVER. Ask any one of my friends... they love her. She bakes incredible treats and meals that only a fool would turn down. Am I right?
Susan did an incredible job cutting in and touching up some rooms that still needed that special attention. And she helped out in the closets also. I am not sure how Susan did everything she did....
I do know that she has one INCREDIBLY steady hand. I think that every room and ceiling in our house has been touched up by her! Maybe it's a left hand thing, I am not sure, but she is just darn good at that. And the most wonderful thing, is that she does not seem to mind, she always volunteered and did the BEST job. Thank you so much Susan, our house looks like a professional paint job, thanks to you!
So here we go... CLEAN UP...
that's right on Saturday night before we left, we cleaned up the entire house. We removed all of the drop clothes, blue tape, and random trash bags. Vacuumed the entire house, swept the floors. I. Mean. EVERYTHING.
Susan and my mom cleaned the grossest things from this kitchen. My kitchen will NEVER be as clean as it is right now, thanks to these two incredible moms! I'm telling you, they both keep such clean houses at home that I should have known this would happen.
I am so blessed that we got to the cleaning point. Because if we had not, my kitchen would have never been what it is now - pristine! Nothing like a clean kitchen.
David started hanging the outlet covers!
As we were cleaning my dad decided to fix something that was not perfect and I am so greatful he did. I know that I get my perfectionism from him and I absolutely LOVE that about him. He does each project perfectly, I mean everything, every little project. So... I had painted the hutch counter top and had planned to do a perfect Steve-quality-job, but it was not smooth like I had hoped. I pointed it out to him early in the day and at the end of the night, he took on the huge project. Sanded down the top and repainted it. NOT FUN. And it is 100 percent better, hardly any scratches, knicks, bumps, etc. Thanks dad.
Okay, as I said at the beginning, few pictures, lots of words. Look for the final post tomorrow, our finished and clean house. Hold your horses.
Oh ya, we love our family.