Okay, so this post, is just about one and a half weeks old... but let me tell you what happened. The night before I was suppose to post this finished product post, my computer broke. Yes that if correct. And for those of you who know me, I work from home on my computer. Needless to say, it was a terrible night which lead to a few days of anxiety and panic. And then two weeks later, here I am.... all in one piece - How does God do it? Everytime I am certain my world is caving in, He makes everything perfect again. I am blessed beyond measure and completely undeserving of His love and grace.
So let me try to pick up where I left off, just around two weeks ago....
I was about to unveil the finished, empty house. Well mostly empty, our parents helped us move a little before they left.
Now, right after they left, we pulled both of our cars into the garage. This is David's very FIRST time to have a garage spot, that is all his! I think he cried a little...

Back to the inside of the house. This was the kitchen... all painted and finished and beautiful.

If you can remember this is the cabinet that David fixed after taking down the three cabinets above the bar. Now, TELL ME THAT DOESN'T LOOK GOOD. David and my dad did a great job!

I forgot to show this before it was fixed, but we had the most disgusting mess of baseboards and water damaged nastiness behind our washer and dryer area. And of course my dad, the genius, made it look absolutely lovely. If I would have even known it was going to be this good looking, I would have taken a picture before he fixed it. Thanks dad!

Then there is the fabulous living room... Just looks awesome.

And David's Room, as we call the room with the TV and one day an AWESOME sectional.

The guest bathroom looks fantastic all red and stuff.

And then there is my office. And yes, I am still in love with the green. How fun is this chair David's grandmother gave me over a year ago? Love it.

And this is the fun Christmas gift I got from Holli. Another thing I cannot wait to hang. I love this thing. Shelves, clear jars... ribbon... it is perfect.
I hope you saw the chair. $5. That is right. It is ligit.
Our bedroom. Love the blue. LOVE IT. I am serious.
Awesome closet. So thankful for the extra shelving and rod! Thanks David!

This my friends, is our tiny little bathroom. Another blue... that I love. I was skeptical. This was one of those decisions I made to appease David. But it is awesome, so glad we went with this darker blue in the bathroom!
And our mirror. Have you heard about this thing. My wonderful mom bought it for me, because she knew how badly I wanted it. It was one of those deals, you just could not pass up.
It. Is. Huge. I mean big. But how awesome is it? I think that every girl needs a big, full length mirror. You HAVE to check yourself out before you leave the house. I mean often times for me, I just need to check and make sure I look as sloppy as I do. Check. And I am off. That is all, just making sure. If you do not have a full length mirror in your house. Go. Go and get one right now.

Oh and we are going to hang it on the wall and mount a light above it. Yes. This thing is important.
This is our front door. It is very nice, just ask our parents. They told us it was a nice door. More than once. Too nice to paint apparently.

And our guest room. This is where you will stay if you come and visit. (And you should.) Don't worry, we will get curtains. We did not realize how stinkin' big this room was, until we put the bed in it. Looking for a fun chair to go in the corner... let me know if you are giving one away!

And now people, you must know what my incredible husband did for me. I really wanted to replace the electrical outlets and light switches throughout our entire house. (Did I mention that I am a perfectionist?) They were that ivory color that look really yellowish and brown. It wouldn't have been too big a deal, etc. that up against that wainscoting, it looked SOOO noticeable.
So we looked into it once, shortly after we had started this project and it seemed like a pain in the butt, so I dropped it. For a few days. Then I brought it up again. And then without telling me, David bought a few to experiment with. And he did it. They looked so good that he even knew we had to do them. So he replaced them all. ALL OF THEM. Like I think 40 outlets and 20 light switches, some cable, telephone outlets, etc. It was a big job. And he did it. It took like 4-5 nights. But he did it. And they look awesome. Here is a picture to show you the difference:

So now when you come to our house, you won't even hardly notice the outlets. But I want you to. Yes... look for the electrical outlets and comment on how good they look. Because they do.
David is the best.
Okay, well I guess that is all for now, but before I go... I must say Thank you to some very important people that made this entire project possible...
Thanks Mom and Dad.

Thanks Susan.

You guys are the best. NEVER would have accomplished all of this with out you guys.
Now the truth is... We are much further along at this point, in fact we moved in this weekend (Feb 6) But I will have to upload those photos later. This post has taken alot longer than I had intended!
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