So it has been a while... Sorry it takes me so long to update, but the past month has just been crazy. I have been very busy with business stuff and getting the house straight and finding furniture, etc.
But I do have some good news. We are all moved in and things are coming along. We are not completely finished with decorating, but we have a few curtains up, found a couch, bought a beautiful bedroom suit from our parent's friend. And have done a little decorating. So I am attaching photos below of each room and some of the new things around the house!
Come visit... we are getting everything ready for you!

David and I sanded, primed and repainted the woodwork in both bathrooms. LOVELY. We still need to touch up the edges, but the main work is finished!

This is our guestroom, pretty simple, hoping to get some things hung in here pretty soon!

And this is the business - at its best!

Curtains from Potterybarn - these are awesome! And David found them! Isn't he great?

Our bedroom, it feels 100% nicer and better than the old look we got rid of. Not to mention how much better the mattress is.

It once looked like this:
David hung our coat rack, but all we have on there right now is scarves... I need a cute basket for these guys before I can take them off of the rack!

David hung our coat rack, but all we have on there right now is scarves... I need a cute basket for these guys before I can take them off of the rack!
And the kitchen, we added the lights above the bar!

and got a fridge.

That is all for now!